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Category: context

Book Review: Dreaming in Code (a book about why software is hard)

Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software
(or “A book about why software is hard”) by Scott Rosenberg

Before I dive into my review of this book – I have to come clean. I must admit that I have lived and breathed the world of software development for years. I have, in fact, dreamt in code. That is NOT to say that I was programming in my dream, rather that the logic of the dream itself was rooted in the logic of the programming language I was learning at the time (they didn’t call it Oracle Bootcamp for nothing).

With that out of the way I can say that I loved this book. This book was so good that I somehow managed to read it cover to cover while taking two graduate school courses and working full time. Looking back, I am not sure when I managed to fit in all 416 pages of it (ok, there are some appendices and such at the end that I merely skimmed).

Rosenberg reports on the creation of an open source software tool named Chandler. He got permission to report on the project much as an embedded journalist does for a military unit. He went to meetings. He interviewed team members. He documented the ups and downs and real-world challenges of building a complex software tool based on a vision.

If you have even a shred of interest in the software systems that are generating records that archivists will need to preserve in the future – read this book. It is well written – and it might just scare you. If there is that much chaos in the creation of these software systems (and such frequent failure in the process), what does that mean for the archivist charged with the preservation of the data locked up inside these systems?

I have written about some of this before (see Understanding Born Digital Records: Journalists and Archivists with Parallel Challenges), but it stands repeating: If you think preserving records originating from standardized packages of off-the-shelf software is hard, then please consider that really understanding the meaning of all the data (and business rules surrounding its creation) in custom built software systems is harder still by a factor of 10 (or a 100).

It is interesting for me to feel so pessimistic about finding (or rebuilding) appropriate contextual information for electronic records. I am usually such an optimist. I suspect it is a case of knowing too much for my own good. I also think that so many attempts at preservation of archival electronic records are in their earliest stages – perhaps in that phase in which you think you have all the pieces of the puzzle. I am sure there are others who have gotten further down the path only to discover that their map to the data does not bear any resemblance to the actual records they find themselves in charge of describing and arranging. I know that in some cases everything is fine. The records being accessioned are well documented and thoroughly understood.

My fear is that in many cases we won’t know that we don’t have all the pieces we need to decipher the data until many years down the road leads me to an even darker place. While I may sound alarmist, I don’t think I am overstating the situation. This comes from my first hand experience in working with large custom built databases. Often (back in my life as a software consultant) I would be assigned to fix or add on to a program I had not written myself. This often feels like trying to crawl into someone else’s brain.

Imagine being told you must finish a 20 page paper tonight – but you don’t get to start from scratch and you have no access to the original author. You are provided a theoretically almost complete 18 page paper and piles of books with scraps of paper stuck in them. The citations are only partly done. The original assignment leaves room for original ideas – so you must discern the topic chosen by the original author by reading the paper itself. You decide that writing from scratch is foolish – but are then faced with figuring out what the person who originally was writing this was trying to say. You find 1/2 finished sentences here and there. It seems clear they meant to add entire paragraphs in some sections. The final thorn in your side is being forced to write in a voice that matches that of the original author – one that is likely odd sounding and awkward for you. About halfway through the evening you start wishing you had started from scratch – but now it is too late to start over, you just have to get it done.

So back to the archivist tasked with ensuring that future generations can make use of the electronic records in their care. The challenges are great. This sort of thing is hard even when you have the people who wrote the code sitting next to you available to answer questions and a working program with which to experiment. It just makes my head hurt to imagine piecing together the meaning of data in custom built databases long after the working software and programmers are well beyond reach.

Does this sound interesting or scary or relevant to your world? Dreaming in Code is really a great read. The people are interesting. The issues are interesting. The author does a good job of explaining the inner workings of the software world by following one real world example and grounding it in the landscape of the history of software creation. And he manages to include great analogies to explain things to those looking in curiously from outside of the software world. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Understanding Born Digital Records: Journalists and Archivists with Parallel Challenges

My most recent Archival Access class had a great guest speaker from the Journalism department. Professor Ira Chinoy is currently teaching a course on Computer-Assisted Reporting. In the first half of the session, he spoke about ways that archival records can fuel and support reporting. He encouraged the class to brainstorm about what might make archival records newsworthy. How do old records that have been stashed away for so long become news? It took a bit of time, but we got into the swing of it and came up with a decent list. He then went through his own list and gave examples of published news stories that fit each of the scenarios.

In the second half of class he moved on to address issues related to the freedom of information and struggling to gain access to born digital public records. Journalists are usually early in the food chain of those vying for access to and understanding of federal, state and local databases. They have many hurdles. They must learn what databases are being kept and figure out which ones are worth pursuing. Professor Chinoy relayed a number of stories about the energy and perseverance required to convince government officials to give access to the data they have collected. The rules vary from state to state (see the Maryland Public Information Act as an example) and journalists often must quote chapter and verse to prove that officials are breaking the law if they do not hand over the information. There are officials who deny that the software they use will even permit extractions of the data – or that there is no way to edit the records to remove confidential information. Some journalists find themselves hunting down the vendors of proprietary software to find out how to perform the extract they need. They then go back to the officials with that information in the hopes of proving that it can be done. I love this article linked to in Prof. Chinoy’s syllabus: The Top 38 Excuses Government Agencies Give for Not Being Able to Fulfill Your Data Request (And Suggestions on What You Should Say or Do).

After all that work – just getting your hands on the magic file of data is not enough. The data is of no use without the decoder ring of documentation and context.

I spent most of the 1990s designing and building custom databases, many for federal government agencies. There are an almost inconceivable number of person hours that go into the creation of most of these systems. Stakeholders from all over the organization destined to use the system participate in meetings and design reviews. Huge design documents are created and frequently updated … and adjustments to the logic are often made even after the system goes live (to fix bugs or add enhancements). The systems I am describing are built using complex relational databases with hundreds of tables. It is uncommon for any one person to really understand everything in it – even if they are on the IT team for the full development life cycle.

Sometimes you get lucky and the project includes people with amazing technical writing skills, but usually those talented people are aimed at writing documentation for users of the system. Those documents may or may not explain the business processes and context related to the data. They will rarely expose the relationship between a user’s actions on a screen and the data as it is stored in the underlying tables. Some decisions are only documented in the application code itself and that is not likely to be preserved along with the data.

Teams charged with the support of these systems and their users often create their own documents and databases to explain certain confusing aspects of the system and to track bugs and their fixes. A good analogy here would be to the internal files that archivists often maintain about a collection – the notes that are not shared with the researchers but instead help the archivists who work with the collection remember such things as where frequently requested documents are or what restrictions must be applied to certain documents.

So where does that leave those who are playing detective to understand the records in these systems? Trying to figure out what the data in the tables mean based on the understanding of end-users can be a fool’s errand – and that is if you even have access to actual users of the system in the first place. I don’t think there is any easy answer given the realities of how many unique systems of managing data are being used throughout the public sector.

Archivists often find themselves struggling with the same problems. They have to fight to acquire and then understand the records being stored in databases. I suspect they have even less chance of interacting with actual users of the original system that created the records – though I recall discussions in my appraisal class last term about all the benefits of working with the producers of records long before they are earmarked to head to the archives. Unfortunately, it appeared that this was often the exception rather than the rule – even if it is the preferred scenario.

The overly ambitious and optimistic part had the idea that what ‘we’ really need is a database that lists common commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) packages used by public agencies – along with information on how to extract and redact data from these packages. For those agencies using custom systems, we could include any information on what company or contractors did the work – that sort of thing can only help later. Or how about just a list of which agencies use what software? Does something like this exist? The records of what technology is purchased are public record – right? Definitely an interesting idea (for when I have all that spare time I dream about). I wonder if I set up a wiki for people to populate with this information if people would share what they already know.

I would like to imagine a future world in which all this stuff is online and you can login and download any public record you like at any time. You can get a taste of where we are on the path to achieving this dream on the archives side of things by exploring a single series of electronic records published on the US National Archives site. For example, look at the search screen for World War II Army Enlistment Records. It includes links to sample data, record group info and an FAQ. Once you make it to viewing a record – every field includes a link to explain the value. But even this extensive detail would not be enough for someone to just pick up these records and understand them – you still need to understand about World War II and Army enlistment. You still need the context of the events and this is where the FAQ comes in. Look at the information they provide – and then take a moment to imagine what it would take for a journalist to recreate a similar level of detailed information for new database records being created in a public agency today (especially when those records are guarded by officials who are leery about permitting access to the records in the first place).

This isn’t a new problem that has appeared with born digital records. Archivists and journalists have always sought the context of the information with which they are working. The new challenge is in the added obstacles that a cryptic database system can add on top of the already existing challenges of decrypting the meaning of the records.

Archivists and Journalists care about a lot of the same issues related to born digital records. How do we acquire the records people will care about? How do we understand what they mean in the context of why and how they were created? How do we enable access to the information? Where do we get the resources, time and information to support important work like this?

It is interesting for me find a new angle from which to examine rapid software development. I have spent so much of my time creating software based on the needs of a specific user community. Usually those who are paying for the software get to call the shots on the features that will be included. Certain industries do have detailed regulations designed to promote access by external observers (I am thinking of applications related to medical/pharmaceutical research and perhaps HAZMAT data) but they are definitely exceptions.

Many people are worrying about how we will make sure that the medium upon which we record our born digital records remains viable. I know that others are pondering how to make sure we have software that can actually read the data such that it isn’t just mysterious 1s and 0s. What I am addressing here is another aspect of preservation – the preservation of context. I know this too is being worried about by others, but while I suspect we can eventually come up with best practices for the IT folks to follow to ensure we can still access the data itself – it will ultimately be up to the many individuals carrying on their daily business in offices around the world to ensure that we can understand the information in the records. I suppose that isn’t new either – just another reason for journalists and archivists to make their voices heard while the people who can explain the relationships between the born digital records and the business processes that created them are still around to answer questions.

OBR: Optical Braille Recognition

In the interest of talking about new topics – I opened my little moleskine notebook and found a note to myself wondering if it is possible to scan Braille with the equivalent of OCR.

Enter Optical Braille Recognition or OBR. Created by a company called Neovision, this software will permit anyone with a scanner and a Windows platform computer to ‘read’ Braille documents.

Why was this in my notebook? I was thinking about unusual records that must be out in the world and wondering about how to improve access to the information within them. So if there are Braille records out there – how does the sighted person who can’t read Braille get at that information? Here is an answer. Not only does the OBR permit reading of Braille documents – but it would permit recreation of these same documents in Braille from any computer that has the right technology.

Reading through the Wikipedia Braille entry, I learned a few things that would throw a monkey wrench into some of this. For example – “because the six-dot Braille cell only offers 64 possible combinations, many Braille characters have different meanings based on their context”. The page on Braille code lists links to an assortment of different Braille codes which translate the different combinations of dots into different characters depending on the language of the text. On top of the different Braille codes used to translate Braille into specific letters or characters – there is another layer to Braille transcription. Grade 2 Braille uses a specific set of contractions and shorthand – and is used for official publications and things like menus, while Grade 3 Braille is used in the creation of personal letters.

It all goes back to context (of course!). If you have a set of Braille documents with no information on them giving you details of what sort of documents they are – you have a document that is effectively written in code. Is it music written in Braille Music notation? Is it a document in Hiranga using the Japanese Code? Is this a personal letter using Grade 3 Braille shorthand? You get the idea.

I suspect that one might even want to include a copy of both the Braille Code and the Braille transcription rules that go with a set of documents as a key to their translation in the future. If there are frequently used records – they could perhaps include the transcription (both literal transcription and a ‘translation’ of all the used Braille contractions) to improve access of analog records.

In a quick search for collections including braille manuscripts it should come as no surprise that the Helen Keller Archives does have “braille correspondence”. I also came across the finding aids for the Harvard Law School Examinations in Braille (1950-1985) and The Donald G. Morgan Papers (the papers of a blind professor at Mount Holyoke College).

I wonder how many other collections have Braille records or manuscripts. Has anyone reading this ever seen or processed a collection including Braille records?

129th anniversary of Thomas Edison’s Invention of the Phonograph

Phonograph Patent Drawing
Phonograph Patent Drawing by T.A. Edison. May 18, 1880. RG 241.Patent #227,679

In honor of today’s 129th anniversary of Thomas Edison’s announcement of his invention of the phonograph, I thought I would share an idea that came to me this past summer. I had the pleasure of taking a course on Visual and Sound Materials taught by Tom Connors, the curator of the National Public Broadcasting Archives. This course explored the history of audio recording, photography, film and broadcasting technology.

When explaining the details of the first phonographs, Prof. Connors mentioned that certain sounds recorded better. Recordings of horns and the pitch of tenor singers were reproduced most accurately – or at least played back with the best sound. We also talked about the change in access to music brought about eventually by the availability of records at the corner store. The most popular recordings were (not surprisingly) of music with lots of horns or the recordings of individual singers like Enrico Caruso. So my question is how might music have evolved differently if different music had sounded better when reproduced by the phonograph? Would Caruso have been replaced at the top of the heap by someone else with a different vocal range? Would Jazz music evolved differently? Would there have been other types of music altogether if string instruments or wind instruments reproduced as well as the bright sounding horns?

In our class we also discussed the impact of the introduction of long playing records. Suddenly you could have 30 minutes of music at a time – with no need to have anyone playing the piano or hovering over the phonograph to change the disk. This led to the movement of music into the background of daily life – in contrast with the earlier focus on playing live music for entertainment in people’s homes. It also paved the way for people to experience music alone – you no longer needed to be in the same room as the musicians. No longer was music exclusively something shared and witnessed in a group. In my opinion this was the start of the long path that led to the possibility of having your own personal ‘sound track’ via first the walkman and now the digital audio player such as the iPod.

These ideas are still about archives and research. From my point of view it is just another example of how a different kind of context can impact our understanding of history. There are so many ways in which little events can impact the big picture. Edison wasn’t pursuing a dream of access to music (though that was included on his list of possible uses for the phonograph) – he was more interested in dictation, audio books for the blind and recording the last words of the soon to be dearly departed.

I love having the ability to examine the original ideas and intentions of an inventor and it came as no surprise to me that some of the most interesting resources out there for learning more about Edison and his invention of the phonograph traced back to both the Library of Congress and the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The LOC’s American Memory project page for The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies gives a wide range of access to both background information and the option to listen to early Edison recordings. NARA’s page for the digital image above (originally found in Wikipedia) can be found online via NARA’s Archival Research Catalog (ARC) by searching for ‘Edison Phonograph’.

Hurrah for the invention of the phonograph and for all the archives that keep information for us to use in exploring ideas! Listen for horns and tenor voices in the next song you hear – and noticed if you are listening alone or with a group.

A final question: how can providing easy access to more big picture historical context help users to understand how the records they examine fit into the complicated real world of long ago?